The art of the Start

I’ve been a fan of Guy Kawasaki for a little while, because he speaks french a lot! and apologizes for it! but No, not just because of that 😉
Guy has a great way to simplify complicated issues, like Venture Capitalists, Entrepreneurship, and politics (in a subtle, yet rude, way).

I’ve watched this video (it’s about 40 minutes, 10 minutes over time), and I tell you, it was worth every second, double value in the overtime.

if you want to become an entrepreneur, or know someone who would like to become an entrepreneur, make them

DON’T forget to leave a comment, as I REALLY appreciate your opinion 😉

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  • Luke Harvey-Palmer

    Yes, the great guy…this is a great video (and I think there is some history here as he was hassled about making room for a Google guy – who was th next speaker also?) Great vid, and great ‘Guy’

  • A very nice presentation indeed.
    After letting it settle down for a night, i can say that the two concepts that had really sunk in with me are the 10/20/30 principal for presenting an idea, and having a meaningful product, that’s aim is to “change the world” rather than just make money.

    Thank you Raz, this was enriching.

  • Raz, thanks for connecting me to this. I’ve known Guy for a while, but never watched this one. It is worth every minute. Terrific.

    Make meaning. That’s what I’m working on — helping save small businesses on main street!

  • fantastically amazing and inspiring stuff. love that one, “you can not fire me, cause I am Asian American”, great hint to learning new perspectives.

  • Raz,

    Great presentation with a lot of insight into VC and how they think. I’ve forward the link to a few entrepreneurs I know as I’m sure it will help them too.

    Keep up the good stuff…


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